Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daily Quote 4/30/09

"Once you hit rock bottom, you can't get any lower, you can only go up"

This quote comes from me... Petz... yup... it came to me during the darkest period of my life ... which I'm sure many of you can relate to... a break up... a really bad break up... perhaps I saw it coming... because no matter how much we fought and than made up...I was really in love ... but just because one person is in love... the other might not follow... or in my case for awhile I believed outside influences had an impact - but at the end of the day...with all we had plan... both of us being adults... it didn't have to end the way it did...but it did...

In time... I would say a good year...I got over the relationship.

I had to hit rock bottom... I was never suicidal but I felt like my life was ending... that I would never love again... or be comfortable with someone the way I once was ...

It does get better... but in my case it had to get worse... it taught me some harsh lessons ... the intolerance in this world, the close mindedness and filled me with self doubt...

Last night... I burnt the pictures... the anniversary cards... a get well card... and a rose in a little baggy...I didn't feel sad... I felt relieved... at last I'm free.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily Quote 04/27/09

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away"

I read this quote in a book called "1000 places you must visit before you die" I plan to visit every single place... it's one of my favorite books to browse through in a bookstore...

I just thought I get a jump start on this week's quoting... have a good week everybody

Friday, April 24, 2009

daily quote 042409

"...I've grown accustom to her looks...accustom to her voice... Accustom to her face..."
(From my fair lady)

I love audrey hepburn...I thought she was a brillant old school actress

In this movie she plays a flower girl from the low class slums in london..and regal old man who runs this finishing school...and they form this interesting friendship... Of course they are always at each others throats...and she feels like she been used just to up his social status

But one can't help notice the chemistry..I believe rex harrisons character was gay..and professor higgins had no interest in eliza...but you can tell there was a deep affection...

Its funny how many connections we come across in our lives...

The quote I have ... Is from the last song in the movie...where he realizes she may never come he's bickering how much she annoys him and yet he can't live without her... Complex emotions

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Daily Quote - 4/19/09

"...women’s lives do not count as much as they should. As long as woman continue to be at a disadvantage in their societies, so will maternal and newborn health. But if we can manage to supply women with the tools to take control of their own lives, we will be able to create an atmosphere which gives more support to women and also to children..."
(Queen Rania - Jordan)

I really admire Rania for all her humanitarian work she does for the middle east and the world at whole... I find her to be such an inspiration for all of us to do a little good in the community... no matter how big or small... whether its an hour of volunteer work or a months worth... I learned at an early age...every little bit makes a difference...

I won't say where... but in the UK... to get away from my professional life... I retrieve to this one place to dedicate a couple of hours of volunteer work every week ... at this Sacred place... I'm a nobody - but respected as a somebody... I don't say much and perhaps that draws a fine line of curiosity among the elders.... its just my time to really focus on the simple things in life... I admit... I feel myself homesick and longing to kick it with friends... but after I leave the Sacred spot... I feel like whatever I did in those couple of hours made a difference somehow

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Daily Quote - 4/18/09

"...Equation of A Good Life = Add good people, subtract negative influences, multiply great things and dividing among those you love..."

It's a pretty straight forward quote to live by...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Daily Quote - 4/15/09

"...The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune..."
(Amelia Earhart)

This applies to both men and women I feel... we all need to look into ourselves and discover our hidden potential and what are we "good" at... finding what we are good at and transforming it into a job... I can safely say... to find something you love doing... is probably the most gratifying feeling in the world.

I love asking my close friends... what are their goals... what are their dreams... just tell me... no holding back... perhaps this is why people thing I'm "weird" or "eccentric" but i do see potential in everything and I do believe in what people can do if they put their mind to it... i got ask these same questions a couple of years ago... and it stuck with me... it opens up conversations and you find unlimited potential of the things you can do

Myself... I'm constantly seeing myself transitioning into what I want to do with my life... or attempting to try something new to grow my seed... it saddens me when someone I care about seems like they are being "forced" into their profession because of the parental or guardian units

I don't mean to sound morbid - I've applied this to myself cause my mother, bless her, as supportive as she can be of me... she had a hard time understanding what I want in life... what good would a film degree do... "ok... petz... now you got your BA ... go for your masters..." I literally wanted to throw up... don't get me wrong... I love learning... I love reading... I have a very curious mind ... but school wise... I hate being restricted or being told... I gotta go to this class... and that class... to get piece of paper with my name... and a MASTERS seal...

Ok but going back to parents and guardians... we must realize as adults... we only got our parents for a certain amount of years... we can please and compromised... but we shouldn't sell out our dreams... cause once they are gone... what's next? you are stuck in a profession you didn't want to be in and you're miserable... or you learn to adapt but you never feel full.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daily Quote - 4/14/09

"... you walk around like you don't know me - you got a new friend - well I got homies - but in the end it's still so lonely..."
(kanye west - heartless)

I woke up to this song this morning... I have to say this is my favorite lyric to heartless ... I can't really analyze on it... I think the new "friend" Kanye's ex has ... is just a filler... you know she's walking around... ignoring kanye... and then she shows up with this guy... just out of the blue... and she feels like she has something to "prove" so she lavishes him with the attention she used to give kanye...but its not for reals... it may look real and genuine ... but it's only to get kanye's attention and hurt him

a couple of months down the line... this "filler" game gets old... the girl suddenly wants kanye back... don't you hate these mind games - if you really wanted him back... just be upfront... I know its easier said than done... some of us have problems with being up front because of rejection or maybe there is never a right time to approach it... she would probably feel really ridiculous if he was surrounded by all his friends... and she tells him she wants him back... and you know the friends... will probably make some lame jokes... and just put gas into the fire

whether we are the ones playing them or we are getting played in the end... that sign "game over" flashes and someone gets hurt

I'll stick with nintendo...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Daily Quote - 4/11/09

"...There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not..."
(Robert F. Kennedy)

I think "why" is like one of my favorite words... and I never use it to be annoying...but it's more of my curious side just ready to come out.

A part of my daily routine... accomplish one goal a day... and learn something new...

The learning something new... always starts with "why..." i get my answer... I soak it in my sponge like brain... and it stays.

Friday, April 10, 2009

First Dates

A first date... its new... its refreshing... most importantly it's suppose to be FUN!

Remember though... don't spill your guts all on one date... leave a little mystery. It makes things appealing and if there is a second date... go on and continue. If you are a serious person, loosen up a bit and just go with the flow of things

This actually applies to life in general - never have expectations when you go into something (new years especially - the most overrated holiday - minus the fact if its your birthday!) If you have a certain set of expectations going into something like a first date... about 80% of the time you are going to let yourself down... it could be something minor like leaving toast crumbs in the butter (if you have a breakfast date)

It's good to go in with an open mind - however look out for warning signs - they way your date talks to others (waiters, waitresses, movie ushers) a friendly demeanor is a shape of a sphere - not a half ass cookie. The way your date talks to you, the eye contact, is there any signs of put downs?

Feeling overwhelmed? Don't be... your perception will kick in...

Our friends even though they want the best for us... if there's a reason why you shouldn't be dating... do yourself a favor and don't do it. Save yourself your time but more importantly don't waste the time of others. Be selective of your time - it's one of those things - you just can't get back.


- If you are hung up on an old crush
- If you are freshly out of a relationship and you feel heartache - if you don't then by all means go out and mingle

My take is... if I'm not excited ... if I'm calling up a best friend and belly aching ... chances are I'm not ready to date... so keep that in mind. I don't like having my time wasted if I go on a date and my date isn't "all there" again its a TIME WASTER.

If the question of relationships comes up - keep it light and simple, there is no need to go into full blown details (most of the time those stories can be downers) there's plenty of time if you two hit it off to talk about relationships

Hobbies are always a safe bet - especially if you two have opposite hobbies - take this as a sign where you can LEARN something - if the date doesn't work out... at least you learned something new.

Movies and Music - another safe bet... good time filler

An embarrassing story - this normally works in my favor simply because it shows I can laugh at myself...but if it's something gross (like the time I got my pooped on by a seagull on 6th grade picture day) save that when your away from food... it may seem harmless but you never know someone's stomach sensitivity.

Religion and Politics - One can dabble but don't go too deep... sure this can be a part of someone... but maybe it's something you want to hold back on ... I call it a hit or miss topic...leave at one question at most...but if you can do without it on the first date ... then just let it be

Family - covering the basics (number of siblings, parents, places you've lived or moved to with your family)

Travel - Travel stories are always fun ... or places you would like to go... maybe they been there and could offer you some advice... For example... I want to go to Iran but I realize I need to apply for a visa (that can take up to three months)

School - The best stories usually comes from interesting classes you took... be unique... I once had a date that took a voice-over class... so that leads to my next question "what kind of voices can you do?"

Sports - Pending whether you like to play them or watch them - this could set up your second date to go bowl, shoot some hoops or watch a game... if you don't like sports... forget the topic

Happy Dating :)

Quotation 4-10-08

Sometimes those "taglines" we have on our facebooks and twitters... I find it sometimes very self-absorbing... I'll be the first to admit... my self absorb side comes up when I belly ache over something I end up chuckling at the next day... but I like to put up quotes...I turn to quotes for inspiration

Every day here on the pod... I will leave you all with a quote...

"...Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next..."
(Gilda Radner)

Gilda Radner was one of my favorite SNL (saturday night live) actresses...
I remember SNL actually being shown on the early days of Nick at Nite. I loved her Roseanne Roseannadanna character... Roseanne was this wacky news anchor that just went on these crazy rants... but sadly Gilda was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and died in her early 40s...I think this quote should remind us we only have here and now... and whatever we have... we just have to make the best of it or try... while we can't see what tomorrow may bring... let's just live it up to our best potential.